Political & Civic Engagement Chaircivic@empowerrichmond.org

Political & Civic Engagement Chair


About Tyrone

During my undergraduate years at Kansas State University, I was a highly active student in many organizations. One organization I took great pride in was the Student Governing Association where I proudly served as the Multicultural Affairs Director for three years. Many times the multicultural communities I served faced negative, and racial discrepancies. It was during these times, I gained a deeper knowledge and understanding as to why my constituents felt there voices weren’t being heard and were subjugated to living in negative atmospheres. This caused me to fight harder for their equality on campus and create deeper relationships with those whom I served. With these relationships developed, I knew that my job would not be done after leaving Kansas State University.

This realization led me to work for the Bernie Sanders Presidential Campaign, where I served as a Field Organizer in five different states across the country to empower working people in the political process. Because of the work of my team and I, the Senator went from what the media earlier deemed as a “fringe” candidate to a progressive political force to be reckoned with.

After my time came to an end with the Bernie2016, it was only my beginning as I continued to uphold the progressive morals and values instilled in me through this Presidential Campaign. I proudly took this platform with me to Richmond VA, where I’ve served as the Field Director for Jack Berry’s Mayoral Campaign, Jennifer McClellan’s State Senate Campaign, Jeff Bourne’s Delegate Campaign and finally as the Regional Field Director for New Virginia Majority before transitioning to their Regional Political Director.

My experience, both personally and professionally, have well prepared me to take on the important role of as Chair for the Political and Civic Engagement committee. Through my work as an organizer, I have learned the invaluable skill of transforming a far-reaching vision into a tangible goal for an organization and empowering them to realize their importance in a larger movement. I hope to take this skill and apply it to the Urban League, in hopes that I can do my part to continuing the growth and development of the organization.