
About Ciara

Smart, outgoing, and forward thinking, I will be a valued addition to the Urban League’s executive committee as treasurer. I am currently in my 3rd year of VCU’s Master in Healthcare Administration program where I serve as the Administrative Resident to the CEO and other senior leaders. This position allows me to analyze different budgetary items for the health system. I am responsible for producing information that aid senior leadership’s decision making around how to best use financial resources. In my previous role, as Nurse Manager Support Assistant for the same organization, I was responsible for creating and managing two unit’s non-personnel budget, which equaled to over $500,000. Over the course of my time in that role, I successfully managed to maintain the non-personnel budget within an acceptable variance. In addition, I managed the budget so effectively that I was able to provide our 20-member staff with minor luxuries such as free lunch, on several occasions. I am excited to be considered to serve the Urban League and our community as treasurer, and look forward to reaching goals that will positively influence those we serve.